Wifi problems

This is so pathetic. I mean, ok, so the Internet was slowed down last week due to some storm. But nowadays, its so hard to get access because we have disconnectd our StreamyX and not only that, our office StreamyX also had problems for weeks now.

I was so desperate to get online today, I even paid RM5 (to Celcom) for a one day pre-paid StimX acess at one of the TM HotSpots.

The writing menace

We have noticed that Kristine likes to draw a lot of things, just like any ordinary kid (I think). But sometimes, we really have to watch her as to a small little child, everything is a blank fresh canvas. I don't mind cleaning all the pen marks off her skin but pen marks on walls, car interior and even clothes is another matter, which is not really funny.

Kristine has been showing progress with her artistic skills

Last week, it was circles and now, its lines

And then, its onwards to the classic drawings on the wall
which every parent feared

So, we got her a nice exercise book, which was not even safe
when she was expressing herself with the pen

So, if you see her holding her pen running towards you, run!


[This was a draft]

The effects of Sun's Ultra-violet rays on plastic, making
them brittle and weak.