Neighbour's true colours

Today is Wednesday, and on Monday, the Government has announce that starting from this year, Thaipusam would be a Public Holiday. Shit.

You know why? Because all our Wednesday schedules has been brought forward to Tuesday. And this means working like mad. Yeah, and then today (Wednesday, la) its going back to KK for more stuffs.

Girls, did you notice anything different today?

Yes, our next door nice neighbours made sure
everyone knows the territory once we moved
our cars away. Its a precious spot, I tell you

Don't tell me you still think they are nice people?
OK, maybe the kids are nice but not the parents

Photos courtesy of blueyebabe's Canon Powershot A400


I know I have packed the cash for my Nikon D50 (which would be arriving this Saturday) in a yellow box. And the problem is, I can't find the correct yellow box out of eight. And half of them has disappeared into the house.

I have found back the circuits for Nex but I still can't find my shaver.........