The little girl and her backpack

We really had to stop her from playing with her backpack
too much as she keeps a lot of her favourite things in there
We are worried that she might break the pack


I was at Pasar Road today, and decided to try the new chip which was reccomended to me months ago. This chip is, I think, is very similar to the ISD25XX series. In fact, if not for a few pins, they could be pin to pin compatible. Unfortunately, the ISD chip is no longer in production and not only that, remaining stocks are expensive. So, I decided to try this chip. And if this chips works as claimed in the datasheet, then it is much better than the ISD25XX (but I have yet to test the ISD2560 that I have bought earlier in the year). Anyway, a rough comparison of the main points are as follows, with the APR9600 against the ISD2560. But bear in mind, I could be wrong since I am going through these two datasheets at a glance.

1. Speaker output is 1Watt at 16 Ohms versus 50 miliWatt at 16 Ohms but both 12.2mWatt from memory. (I hope it is 1 Watt since we both checked some of the resistor values are wrongly labeled)

2. Supports three message management modes
- Random access with 2,4 or 8 fixed duration messages
- Normal tape mode
- Tape mode with auto rewind

3. Has LEDs for Busy, Recording/Playback, and End of Message
4. Optional "Beep" audio notification for recording and end of memory
5. Adjustable three sampling rates
6. Speaker can be paralleled when using multiple devices

I hope to get this set up as soon as possible. If it works, there are a lot of projects I can integrate into.

Hey, there, Big fella! I am your smaller cousin!

The Case

While the kids got their items, I decided to buy something for myself too. After some browsing, I bought a pair of cargo pants and another sans the pockets. I loke wearing these type of pants but because of so many jeans in the house, my desire was put on hold. Then just then, before we were about to go off, I came across one of Toyogo's product, this time, its the A4 filing case.

After just a quick looksee, I decided to get it straightaway for RM7.50, and not the first choice (which had a proper hinge but flimsy handle). My plan to use this is not for storing of my drawing, plans and what-nots but for another matter. I will post this up soon if the idea works. If not, its just another case for me to store my stuff.

This is the case that I chose over the other one (no Pics)
I liked it because of the strong handle look

But if you open it, you notice that you have to close
the case very carefully or else the sides would not
close properly at all. For an A4 size, it is ideal for
my project.

This type of hinge is not good if you open the case
too many times. I think it is meant to store all
the secret nude pictures and put it away for a
long time

I have no idea why I chose this case in the
first place, apart from its cute handle design
If you have heavy objects, the sides can bloat
out and if you pull the plastic lock the wrong
way, it would come out

Right-Wing Waja

With a broken air-foil, sometimes, it makes me think
if the car has problem doing high speed turns to the right