This is the model ship that came from Australia. And its free. Yep, you hear me, its free. This was because a Forum member from did not want it and was willing to give it to anyone who wants it rather then going into a bin.To cut a long story short, I wanted it, and because he lives in Australia, I got the girls's fav Aunt to bring it with me when she comes over. And here it is, all in its glory, packed in a box sosturdy that even a packed luggage could noteven dent it. Not even a little bit. Well, so, its a ship. Of what scale, and type or evena name, I am not sure. All I know is that its a ship. Even with all the parts glued, its still a ship
(you can tell that I am suffering from blogger's block here)
Complete with Australian dust. But whatever it is, thisis going to be a great source for kitbashing.....
Ok. so one of the girl's favourite Auntie is back and when she is back, you can expect a lot of things. Namely chocolates. But that is not the point.When she is back, its a great excuse for another fun family gathering. Yep. I love that.And also the chocolates. I love that too.And so, everyone gets to have fun One of the girl's cousin, who is now able to walk,shows off his new hat. But his elder brother is onestep ahead with the glasses. Then its Kaelynn's turn.Awwww.. she's so beautiful! After playing with the glasses, fav Aunt broughtout the goodies for everyone. One thing I noticedis that when everyone comes from Australia, theybring chocolates. Lots of chocolates and most ofthem does not even exist in Malaysia. Take thisKinder Bueno for example. Its very small, almostto the size of a 50 sen coin. And if you were to getone here in Malaysia, its the size of an egg and well,take it or leave it. Time for dinner... and they couldnot keeps their hands off the food... Ahem... the Real Gentleman Finally, its time to say goodbye to fav Aunt as she willneed to leave for the flight home soon. So, the girlsgave as much hugs as they can.