I had a scare this morning when Kristine's Kindergarten called. They took her temperature and reported to be 38ºC and she was cranky all morning. So, knowing that my Wife was still working and my parents are out, I am the closest to get her. So, after nearly an hour of rushing over, Kristine was back in the house.
When I took her temperature, it was only 36.3ºC. Maybe it was because she was sitting on the cold tile floors in the air-con classroom. But later, her temperature dropped to 36ºC which means, she did not have fever at all. Slowly, she started to be her self again. I guess this must be because of her first mouth ulcer which is causing her much pain. A few days ago, she did have fever. I am worried because of her fear of the ulcer's pain, she has refused to eat almost everyday and is getting thinner and weaker. Not only that, today was her only day in school for the week. Sigh.
Later, when everyone came back, I let them take her to the Doctors (as most of the ones I knew, were "off" in the afternoon) while I rushed back to the office.