
I got myself a Vanilla Horlicks and a Reflexology In-Sole today, while collecting my MacFarlane Robocop and a few more HotWheels cars. Heh.

Ok, I had a bad watery stomach ache and slept like a log from 8PM to 6AM. So, what you're looking at is my dinner/breakfast. The Vanilla Horlicks tasted like, well, as if some put vanilla flavour into the Horlicks. The Rice? Its Yee Sang and leftover rice.

The Reflexology In-Sole. OK, I was attracted to the transparent plastic.

Look at all those torturous bumps.

After walking a few Kilometres today, I think I have problems in stomach, liver, shoulder, secondary nasal cavity, pancreas. I;m a very sick person, Oh my. But seriously, waling around with that sole was torturing.

When you want to take them off in the middle of the street, think of the funny instructons

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