The Third Episode of Madness

I will never ever understand why I ever did this. The Official Premiere is actually on May 19th but somehow, all the tickets were snapped up by "Corporates" for their own customers. Which is fine if you are one of their customers.

So, Ultimate Toys did the next best thing. Try as they might, everyone knows that getting tickets on the May19 date is impossible and even if they did, it would not be fun because their friend's friends would not have such luck. It would be like watching Vanessa Mae performing one song with only yourself in the room.

Yeah, you'd have seen the greatest show on Earth which everyone would hate your guts for being the lucky S.O.B.

Anyway, with the dates changing from 22nd to 23rd, getting the tickets were also a problem. When I sent someone else to get them for me, they reported that there was a long queue and the tickets were not there until in the evening. Anyway, to cut the story short, by the time I got them in the evening, I was quite relieved.

Now, I can concentrate on my Lightsaber, heh heh.

(So, Ms. Fon, if you're reading this, your tickets are safe in my hands now)

Four pieces of paper which only crazy people would get excited at 10AM on that morning,

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