A trip to the local comics store

Yes, its one of those times I have to go to my local comic shop since they have sent me a warn...er, friendly reminder to pick up my stuff. Since I am so busy, going there once a month is like an annual prilgrimage. And everything seems to change.

And then I spied on this figure. This is the action figure of Captain Picard who has been assimilated into the Borg Collective and given the designation of Locutus in the episode "Best of Both Worlds I & II". The Borg then used all the information within him to attack the Federation. At Wolf 359, the Federation suffered heavy casualties when they tried to stop the Borg cube from advancing to Sector 001. Anyway, since no one has reserved for it, I decided to take the figure, "It was reserved for the right person" they said. Since it was a Previews Exclusive, there were no other figures, such as Riker, etc. Yeah, I don't care as Star Trek merchandise is hard to come by here in Malaysia.

This is Art Asylum's new Star Trek action figure. And its a Previews exclusive
But it does not make any difference to me.

Nice or not?

The sculpt is quite good but he looks a bit too friendly

The price cost me only a leg since they gave me an arm back

On the way home in the evening, these two Pakistani buggers were unlucky


Anonymous said...

Wah you carry camera with you everywhere one ah? Or you took those pics with your PDA phone?

CFC said...

Erm, nope. Just happened to be there when I got my camera. Thinking of buying another which is compact and faster response time but as usual, the mind is strong but the wallet is weak.