Megatron at The Outpost A

So, I was waiting for a friend of mine, who is also a friend of our company, to hand over some detailed information at The Outpost. When I arrived, I saw the Masterpiece Megatron. And Richard approacehed me because the light on Megatron's scope is on the blink. So, after repairing it, I decided to take some shots. Then I was approached again because someone had trouble transforming Megatron.

The problem with Binaltech/Masterpiece Transformers was that although they were designed to resemble closely to their original figures, sometimes transforming them is not as simple as it seemed.

Megatron's scope uses two LR44 batteries, which is protected by
a plastic cover which you need a screwdriver to open

The problem lies with the plastic piece held with the loose screws.
This caused the button on the outside to spin and lost its place.
when you press on it, it gets stuck

Once I tightened it, everything worked! This is how the scope looked when
opened Just a simple red LED, a resistor, a switch and two batteries. All
designed into an object a lot of people would kill for.

The scope alone is about close to 8.5 inches .You can view through the scope
but the LED is blocking your view. There is a nice cross-hair but since everything
is blocked its useless

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