Kristine's new bike

Finally, after nearly one year, someone dug out Kristine's 2nd year old Birthday present. She was so excited and happy, she rode and rode until late at night for at least a few days. We originally wanted to give it to her on her birthday last year but because we're moving, we thought of giving it to her at the new place. But as time went on, everyone sort of "forgot" about it.

Anyway, it was time as her legs have been growing longer and she has difficulty riding her first tricycle. And despite it being welded back, the front was still bent. Then again, these are cheap bikes from those Hypermarkets.

Her second bike was also the same; a bit bent here and there. But what I was not happy was, that the tires were actually moulded hard plastic which wore off very fast and most of the time, I can see the wheels losing grip even on rough concrete. And I am not even going to talk about brakes. Sometimes, I wished I had enough so that I can get her a proper bike with actual rubber tires.....

As Kristine tries out her new bike, Kaelynn looks on
maybe with sadness that she could not join her sister

Kristine took the bike immediately, even before
we could take off most of the plastic wrapping

And just to make sure Kaelynn was not left out, we
put her at the back but she does not want to be part
of it. Took us a lot of effort to get this shot

Kristine found another problem: Crashing into walls
as she was too excited to notice how to avoid them.
Later, she also found out how painful it was to fall

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