Caught cheating

As usual, I came into the class unprepared and this time, we're having an exam. The worst thing is that I have no idea what the exam topic was. And so, after being handed out the papers, we began. And as I looked around, my classmates were totally unprepared as well and some were busy writing answers as if they knew/studied.

Not only that, I have never seen that teacher before and one of my classmate looked very familiar like the ex-colleague I knew. He was discreetly handing out pieces of answers to everyone and as luck would have it, I was too slow to get the papers. So, he snuck to my desk and sat in front of me because he too ran out of answer papers. So, he took my exam paper and started to write on it and also prretent that the paper belonged to him.

The teacher saw that and snatched his (mine) paper away. Sometime later, he came back again (How he escaped, I do not know) and gave me another set of papers. But the more I looked at it, I noticed the paper has a rough texture. And when I opened all the pages, it was actually a newspaper with some exam questions printed on it.

And I thought to myself, die-la. This is first term exam and if the teacher come and collect the papers, I am going to fail and I might even be thrown out of school. So I woke up only to see my wife sleeping next to me.


Nex said...

Good thing you didn't wake up and realised you fell asleep during the exam and that you STILL have no idea how to answer the questions...ha ha ha

Blueyebabe said...

I helped you google it ->

To dream that you are taking an exam indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. Such dreams highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated.

This dream usually has to do with your self-esteem and confidence or your lack of. You are worried that you are not making the grade and measuring up to other people's expectations of you. You may also experience the fear of not being accepted, not being prepared, or not being good enough. You feel nervous, insecure and tend to believe the worst about yourself.
These dreams also suggest that you may feel unprepared for a challenge.

Dreams of this nature are also an indication that you are being judged and this dream is a signal for you to examine an aspect of yourself that you may have been neglecting and need to pay attention to. You may harbour some guilt because of your neglect in preparation for a school exam, meeting, business project, or some challenge. Most of the time, though, people who have such dreams are unlikely to fail a test in real life. This dream goes back to their fear and own anxiety that they may not meet other's standards of them. They are afraid to let others down.

CFC said...


You're right on this one. My Boss set me up with more responsibilities after my new assistant came in.

There are still many things to do and I do not know if I have the time to complete them all.

But the most important is to train my assistant until my level (if possible) and my senior tech to be technically competent as me.