Does this look familiar?

While we were at Tesco, I spotted this toy gun and since there were only two left, I decided to get the both of them. The reason why I was so interested was because it reminded me of the Babylon5's standard station weapon, the PPG. OK, so it might not be accurate but its close enough for a alternative variation. All I have to do it to modify the cocking hammer at the rear and convert the barrel to a bigger diamter, and I'm all set!

This is the RM1.90 sparkler gun which has the refillable sparkler
at the top (tip) between the bullet chamber and the barrel. If its
a real gun, it would not fire because the barrel is located in the
middle of the bullet chamber.

This is the PPG (Phased Plasma Gun) from the TV series Babylon5.
It has only three settings from stun to kill to vaporise.

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