Some interior design activities

My customer is renovating a portion of their office and we were engaged to redo all their cabling. But looking at their current space and floorplan, I suspected that there might be a problem where the two manager tables are to be placed.

As the customer insisted that space is not a problem, I decided to prove it to her why the addition of a MFC (Multi-Function Copier) Fax machine and also the current orientation of the big tables took up so much space . In the end, I hope the Managers are not fatties.

This is the current section where I took down the measurements
for the room, its furniture and also notes on how they want to go
about renovating it.

I am surprised that just to do the floors and the tables, etc took
me about an hour with SketchUp. The walls and trunking and
its measurement text took longer as an afterthought. All are
accurate to the last centimetre.


Nex said...

Despite you telling me about SketchUp years ago, I have yet to figure out how to use it...too used to 2D graphics I guess...ha ha ha

Maybe I can pay you to do the layout plan for my new Secret Base when I finally find the land to build it on :)

CFC said...

Well, yeah, I enjoy doing SketchUp but no one pays me for doing them, Ha ha ha.

The more I use, the more I wish for a faster processor and more memory for the Notebook.

Go try it, its really fun and nice.