The CCTV "Eye"

As I was required to send one of out client's DVR (Digital Video Recorder) for diagnosis, I asked the sweet girl at the counter about one of the CCTV cameras. And because we were regulars there, she gave me a very attractive quote. And so, I have my very own CCTV camera although I have no plans to put it the house but for another project.

This is the CCTV camera. Its running at 420 lines, uses
a Sharp chip and the normal 350mA 12 volts. In other
words, OK-la.

Now, we shall see why I call it the "Eye". Oh, and
she gave me a free power adaptor too. Yeah!

Turn the CCTV around, and you will be faced with the
mounting bracket. Just give it a gentle twist and it'll
separate itself. See the three curves with a round end?
Its for you to screw the base to whatever surface you
have prepared. Please note that its not a good idea to
use double-sided tapes, OK?

Be careful now, as the whole assembly will also fall apart.
Once you remove the collars and the holding "eye" socket,
you will be left with the CCTV camera itself, which really
looks like an eye.

Carefully hold the eye and slowly twist its sides.
There, you have now completely taken it apart.
Take a small screwdriver and you can then
remove the actual camera element. This camera
has Infra-red leds built in to see in low light too.
Since my project is not ready, I will stop here and
put it back in one piece..... The End

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