Going to be 6 soon.

Coming near to the Age of 6, its time she learnt how to do some of the things by herself. For example, I now let her wash her own hair but she must remember to put the shampoo into the hair and not lather it up in her hands only to be washed away by the shower. Then, I have to show her how to use the soap to wash her own body, and not to wash the floors instead. She likes to do this because it would create bubbles which she can step on. Haih

But the best is, when I need to dress them up. All I have to do is, just make sure their clothes are the right way round and then, I just plonk on their head and they will automatically do the rest. Except for dresses with buttons and bows, that is.

Its not a grainy photo, just the droplets of water
showing up when I used the flash. Yeah, she likes
to play with water a lot. Soon, I think I will take
them swimming. As soon as my spare tire vanish,
that is. No need to scare all the children in the pool

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