Hit the Hut!

On a fine Sunday such as this day, there was a lot of fine things to do.
Such as when my fine wife asked me a question, and I replied it finely.

Wife: Let's have lunch
Me: Fine
Wife: How about Pizza?
Me: Fine
Wife: Fine
Me: Fine
By the time we arrived, the paella was
not in the menu anymore and so,
we chose spaghetti instead.

This was Pizza Hut's promotion
about some thing which I forgot.
The only thing I can remember
was that I did not get to taste
paella, whatever that is. So we
had to change to something else.

Actually, truth to be told, because Streamyx has so
much problem logging on, by the time I go through
this post, I have forgotten what I wanted to post.

So, by the time you read this,
this post is already weeks old.
So, thanks to Streamyx which
is really gone downhill now.

And I still cannot remember what we ate
at the Hut, only thing is I really really
missed the paella. Paella. Paella. Well,
no point remembering it because after
four hours, it'll come out from your body
as shit and completely forgotten.

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