The Nerf Element EX-6

And so, the NERF Element EX-6 is here. Or rather, was here three weeks ago. Just like the Scout, I was secretly longing for it. And just like the Scout, I waited years for it. It was sold all over the place, except here. They even copied it in China and no one brought it over here. Originally, this gun was part of the NERF Diskshot but somehow, maybe it was not popular, they repackaged it to what it currently is now, which is the "Only at Toys r Us" pack.

And so, here it is, right in front of me.
Times have changed because it took
me more than 40 minutes to think up
of an excuse to buy this. If not for the
two scopes which bumped up the price,
it would have sold for far much less.

What? You think I'm crazy to buy this RM120.00 toy? Its so expensive. For another RM30.00, I could have gotten a Longshot already and its a rifle as well. Its a rip off because if you take away the two scopes, the gun would probaly cost about RM55.00, which is still more expensive than a REV-8 Maverick. How can I justify buying this.... this.... expensive thing? Is it worth it?

Of course! Of course! Justify be dammed!

Ha ha ha ha haha!


Haaaaaa ha ha ha ah ha aha ha!

Anyway, here is one of the scope. It uses 2x AAA
betteries to light up a red LED. You then slide the
lens in or out to adjust the red spot. Yawn.

Then this is the other scope, which has a very nice
orange filter.

This is the filter in place

And this is the normal view

You can combine the gun like
so but all it really does is to
add unnecessary weight to it.

The grip is quite nice but I have a slight problem
with my pinky though.

After the euphoria has died down, I realised that what
I had was not the same as their prototype. Above was
the original product it was intended for, the Diskshot.
I was attracted to the trigger guard design. The one I
bought was straight. The Chinese ones were same too.

Kristine loved it so much as it was an easy
gun for her. The plunger made it easy for
her to reload, just like the Nitefinder.

"Daddy, I want more bullets. Or else"

Kaelynn also did not seem to have any problem too

In fact, this is the best NERF gun of the lot. The
"thud" sound when you pull the trigger and the
sticky "splat" when it hits the target is just nice.


Nex said...

So you wasted RM120 and didn't get what you thought you were getting...poor you...


CFC said...

Yeah, its like buying a Big Mac Value Meal (which you really need) but it comes with two pizzas (which you do not need).