'Weathering' Sponges for ICW Event

Just a last minute thought as presents for the lucky few who are attending ICW's private Chrstimas and New Year Gathering before registration closed. This time, we get to see Andy Wong's Spider-0, which won the GBWC 2014 in Japan, making him the World Champion, a first for Malaysia.

While we were shopping for ingredients to make the fruit salad, I came across some nice sponges which can help with the weathering on scale models and so, I bought enough to make for about 27.

Taking them out and packing them is not that easy but because we had gone through this before, it was a breeze. Many years ago, when it came to Kaelynn's Birthday at her Kindergarten, we packed Gift bags for her classmates. What we did was to line up all the goodies in a row, with each person walking past them, taking and putting an item into the Gift bag. The preparation was a chore but in the end, not only was it fun, but it was much more efficient than sitting on a table and packing them bags one by one.

What I taught them was a basic production line which not only improves efficiency and eliminates error very quickly, it also (hopefully) allows them to think out of the box.

Unfortunately at this stage, I have yet to teach them on QC...

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