Flux Dreaming

Imagine this. You just work up from your dream. Very gently. And everything is still, serene, quiet. You're still comfortable in your bed, plus, the Sun has not come up yet. The only sensation you feel is some kind of a familiar and inviting warmth

And in a lazy way, you realise the memories from the last dream moments ago was still fresh...

I was in some college/organisation where I was being audited or something. Finally, when I was given the score, it was not a very good one with the Appraiser snarkily saying, "Perhaps you should have joined other activities/modules to improve that score." AND THEN I REALISED, (or recollected) THAT SOME OF MY RECENT DREAMS WERE ACTUALLY TEST MODULES!!!.

So, for the next hour or so, my mind was trying to remember which dream were the test modules, keep the score, and then went back to sleep to search for that room where the Appraiser was. I could not find her...

Then my Phone's SocMed notifications started...

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