20230416 Sweating all the way to Pudu

Hot Sunday

For the past few days (or was it more than a week?), the temperature outside is hot. Very hot. And today, of all days, I needed to get things done. And looking at my personal scheduling, I am starting to run out of time. So, despite the precautions, I went out, at the time where the Sun is literally above my head.


One: The Bag

Using a battery box as your own 'bag' in a new Job is ridiculous. I don't blame the Guard who checks me out all the time. So would anyone else if they see a guy walking in and out with a battery box in a CAR WORKSHOP. It took me a long time to search for a more suitable bag and finally, against all advises, I have chosen the one which I kinda compromised on the features. I am not going to waste anymore time because of new suggestions and also, repeat the process with Lazada where the prices are not slightly higher but more like crazily higher. Then there is some complications with online bank transfers.

Ugh. The issue is that with the Malaysian bank, I had no issues until most merchants started to use the new fangled app and with me downloading it, I had to wait for an additional 12-hours before it is activated. Yeah, I could have paid using a credit card but it is not a nice idea since I have plans in June.

Two: The Car

I always serviced my car at every 10,000Km if possible. But after checking my old records, the last service was more than a year ago. And I am also way overdue with the Service by 5,000Km. So, it's off to the Auto Shop for some quite consumables.

The Shop told me that for the past one month, the traffic jam outside was unbearable. The road was always deserted. This is mostly due to the Raya Shopping at GM Plaza which is just a street away. And yes, it took me about almost an hour to get here too.

I got all these for MR140, which is a great deal. Because I am not too comfortable with online bank transfers, this was the amount I had in my wallet. I so wanted to try with 5W40 though.

Getting back into the car, I had some spare cash and so, traded the 5W30 with a 5W40. Yay!

First thing is to change the air filter. The last recorded change was about 26 months ago, at the same time I upgraded to Iridium plugs.

Three: Blank opens in Pudu

Since I parked my car next to the crazy traffic jam, why not perform another stupid act by changing Vee-Chai's air filter under the hot sun? I mean, I am already sweating, what's a few more gallons of salt excreted from the body?

Blank opens today and this was formerly a corner lot 7-11 right smack in the busy Jalan Landak/ Kijang intersection.

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