2023.12.25 What Christmas feel?

Just over three weeks ago, a Modeling Friend, Michael Chew had passed away, due to heart complications. By the time I got off work and asked for the Funeral details, I realised I had missed it. And just yesterday, I had paid my last Respects to Andy Wong, who collapsed. He was waiting for his blood pressure to be stable so that he can go for his heart operations. For this year, I have lost four friends...

The Funeral Parlour was opened at three in the afternoon and I only stayed for about an hour before leaving for my Family's Dinner. I can see the usual modeling crowd and friends, even during when we were in the lift. Not being in the mood, I just kept to myself and reminisced about the time when were really spoke, which was more than a decade ago at ICW (Infinite Creation Workshop) when he was asking for ideas for his yellow bug entry into GBWC.


My Aunt from my Mom's side arrived from US two weeks and paid a last minute visit to my Dad while I was working. I so wanted to see her but both my cousin and I were warned not to make contact, And then, from Australia, another Aunt from my Dad's side has arrived three weeks ago to spend some time with us and also, visit her Family in Pahang. My Sister came too. Speaking of which, the whole Family got to dine in at Hai Di Lao once again. But I still feel hungry. And lonely.

I only concentrated on the delicious yellow corn soup since it was literally in front of me. While the rest are, I just drank and well, drank even more of the soup.

The Weekend before, I finally went to that Star Wars event in JayaOne (The Road to Peridea), minus a friend but although I did have a nice (but brief) time catching up with a few friend who set up booth there. I also bought a few things to just help boost some sales but I do feel empty.

With the weird and disconnected layout at The School, it was very hard for me or anyone else looking for the Event. That was, until I heard and saw the lightsabers in the far distance, on another floor.

Richard of The Outpost

Dave Liew of Dave Fuze Imaginarium

Halfway through, he was being interviews by someone (who I shall not introduce)

Kane Chong showing his Son's sketchbook and asking for feedback.

(clockwise from top left): MiLF partworks from The Outpost (the only one, RM10), Atlantis Models Lighthouse (RM119 from F-4DableModelsDirect) and Tote Bags from (RM25 each, Dave Fuse Imaginarium)


There is another friend from Australia, whom she brought in her partner, hoping for a nice gathering. Going through the chats, I think they're trying to get one done, plus or minus a few due to conflicts and trips throughout the Country. I do wish I had the urge to meetup but once again, I know I'd be relegated to the background just like in all the gatherings.

If you're thinking that it's going to be exciting, believe you me, it is not. The passing of my two distant friends, really put a damper in me.

Maybe its the Flu with a lot of yellow phlegms which got me down or something but I don't think it's Covid. But it does hurt when I cough since my back ache is getting more noticeable. 

Over the course of a week, my phlegm went from liquid yellow to gummy yellowish-green. Even the ants were attracted to the dried out ones from my nose. And funnily enough, while coughing them out, they kinda tasted like from warm chicken stew... I know, I know, TMI.
But for the last three days or more, my eyes were starting to have thick yellowish discharge which is quite sticky and dries hard. Those could be symptoms of eye infections but my eyes feel fine.


The yellow/green phelgm mixed with the saliva which got me worried that it might aftect the Covid testing kit's result. In the end, it was Negative.

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