20240526 Our very first Dinner

 After more than two decades, we finally got our own house at the more or less ideal location. House hunting is an adventure and somehow, it was not really a rush thing. But eventually, we needed to have our very own space and more importantly, I want my Wife to be free. And the same goes for my Kids.

 This house had some sentimental meaning where just about 10 years ago, we were inside and also interacted with the original owners. We never thought much about it but a decade later, we are now the new owners. And I am grateful.



A very simple yet delicious dinner. No matter what ingredients were available, she made it so delicious.

One of my BIL gave me this, which was when the girls were young. I was saving it for special occasions such as this. At that time in it only costs RM60 from Langkawi which was tax-free.

Upon opening it, the residue on the mouth was bad news. The Amarula has turned into one solid hunk of alcoholic custard. Although I have stored properly, apart from the inescapable heat. Being a fruit based cream liquer it tends to spoil faster. The website mentions up to 24 months from production. So, yeah, damn.


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