Pee-ed by an Air-con

Basket! Of all the things happened to me this one really takes the cake. Remember some time ago in June that this customer has a problem with their air-con system? Well, it got worse and still no one came to rectify it. I was halfway programming the PABX when suddenly there was a water coming from the air-con. Trust me on this, the air-con was not leaking water drop by drop but rather, peeing. Its as if it has a broken pipe or something. I stood up, stared at it for nearly 15 seconds before my reflex kicked in and I started shooting with my Nikon D50.

Its a matter of time before the water starts to affect the wall where the PABX and the air-cons are mounted. The walls are not made of concrete but rather gypsum. Already some of the area is affected. And when it does collapse, its not going to be a pretty sight. Everytime I come here, I have to notify the customer. That's the most I can do.

See? I am not joking. It pee-ed on me!

And already the floor and the batteries are wet
(OK, the batteries were already wet when I came in)

This time, I am getting worried because the new
splash is affecting more than the power extension
and its a matter of time before these adaptors are
affected, and make the whole thing go kablooie

Its already trickling water.........

Although there were some splashes to the PABX,
I am not so worried. I am more concerned about
the water being soaked up by the plaster wall
which will make everything mounted on it fall

Sigh, I have to assume this happens very often now

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