Everything's OK. Everything's just fine!

OK, so both of us are not suspended anymore. Boss retracted the letter and asked us to fill in for two day's Annual Leave instead. Everyone was facing a lot of stress at that time and it was my actions who sparked the dynamite even though it was intentional. But well, let's put it behind us. And best of all, the van has been found too. It was not stolen but you know why, la.

Anyway, we got our bonuses today and because of the time factor, my Boss got me to cash it straightaway instead of putting it into the bank account. If I did, I would only get it after the Chinese New Year.

Wow! The notes almost broke my wallet!

While I was in Seremban, I decided to
change some of the bonus cash to new
notes. But because they ran out of RM5
notes, I had to settle for RM1 instead.
The girl was kind enough to give me
some ang pow envelopes

When I came home, I was raided by the Home Ministry........

1 comment:

Blueyebabe said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Ang Pow satu mari~