Three years too late.....

Sometimes, kids being kids can really make you go driving. Driving up the wall, that is. You leave them alone to their own devices and give them some simple instructions, they take things literally. And thats when trouble starts.

Mommy let them play with the cupcake paper thing.
The next thing you know, they're all over the place.

But once they behave themselves, they are Angels. Trust me on this. And all the angst and curses that bottled inside you, will disappear. Until their next stunt, that is. Anyway, tonight I let them install the educational CD on my Notebook. This was three years too late. We have a PC but the monitor broke. Then we used the remaining PC but there were no speakers. So, now, with the new Job where I do not have to use the Notebook much, its perfect for them. Moreover, I do not have to owrry abour data loss anymore since I am not storing any critical customer data unlike my last job. But, unfortunately, because Kristine is now older, the CD is not meant for her anymore as she breezed through them. So, its now more for Kaelynn, who is the ideal candidate. Plus, the mini games help in improving her hand-eye coordination.

I let them install those education CDs on my Notebook
And them let them play by themselves, with explicit
instructions not to destroy the Notebook or start a fire

This is too easy for Krsitine

Awwww....... isn't that nice.
Kristine guiding Kaelynn on one of the mini games

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