Hanging at the Curve

After my appointment a Surian tower (Surian.... surian.... why does it have a Lord of the Rings theme to it...?) I decided to walk around the Curve to see what can be eaten for lunch. Alas, it was still too early and I have another appointment. And so, I passed by the Cinema level instead. There is nothing much from the Outpost Toys and even if I forced myself to buy something, there is nothing to buy for the moment, apart from the NERF Longstrike. But then again, Nerfs seems to be out of flavour for June.

They're promoting the Toy Story 3 now.

Weird toys here. And I hate anything
that resembles kubrick. Its just a mutated
version of Lego figures.

Maybe mutated is a wrong word. i was
thinking more of bastardised, pariah, even.

Ah, the Longstrike below the Longshot.
Its now one of the longest NERf weapon
around but easily also the weakest or
bordering on crap.

One of the advertising gimmicks in the
toilet. It will display the ad but when you
walk past, it will turn itself off, which then
becomes a mirror. I was hoping it would be
programmable because the sensors, just like
the ones on the urinals would detect your
presense. Imagine it was programmed to do
the opposite: Just as you were admiring your
ugly mug on the mirror, it turns on and shows
you this:

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