What's a few sens, you ask? To some, its just spare change from recent purchases. To others, its just coins. But to a select few, especially MAKNA, it could mean a difference. True or not, with so much news about charities, its up to you to decide. I was given this by one of my customers. Its a paper coin box which you fold it yourself. Once it is full, you can hand over it to one of the Maybank counters.

I usually give it 20 sens from the change I get
for every toll that I pay. At the end of the two
months, it was full. Wow.

What I was not amused was when I handed in my first MAKNA box to a Maybank counter in Menara Genting, the staff looked lost as if he does not know what to do with it, even after I told him what it was for. Does this mean Maybank is just doing lip-service when it comes to charities? The staff showed he knows a lot about the banks procedures. Except this just one; the MAKNA paper coin box. I was not even given another one but had to make the trip to see my customer just to ask if she had anymore MAKNA boxes.

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