12062016 My IKEA Linnmon Table (aka The WORKS Table)

I'm not as limber as I thought and so, if I need to sit down and do some 'work' for more than 10 minutes, I need to do it on a proper table. The place where I stayed has one which suited my needs but its a common table downstairs for everyone to have their meals. And so, with the new housemate who arrived last week, this is now no longer an option.

Weeks ago, I wanted a stable RM212.90 Melltorp with rectangular legs but when I came back from my Holidays, it has been reserved. So, the RM169.90 Linnmon which was 2 feet shorter, was the best I could do for my back. I could pay another RM25 for a 6 feet version but its stability was more of a concern since the table itself is not made from actual wood.

I needed a table, not only to work but also to continue on my Piscean Works stuff. Without a car or the Family here, most evenings can be really boring to the point you just want to stare at the dropping paint flakes on the ceiling or meet Mr. Sandman earlier. I could also enjoy myself with some movies downloaded for me through my friends but I do not want to watch it the whole night/morning I am doing this to make sure I do not fall into other temptations which I do not want to be a part of.

How IKEA stuff came to Kuching, I don't really know. There is no IKEA Centre here either but then again, it beats going around second-hand shops and depending on taxis all day. This alone would have more than doubled the price of the table.

Luckily the Van still does its marketing round the next day (Sunday) and I was able to get the problem sorted out. All I had to do was to talk nicely to them, showed them the receipt to prove that the purchase was still withing the two day warranty period (but no refunds, though) and it was settled with smiles all round.

Carrying the table was not a problem since it was lightweight. The anorexic Van driver could even carry it. It's just... cumbersome. So, on a nice Sunday mid-morning, I am enjoying myself with some brief DIY and ignoring a cup of RTFM at the same time...

Then the problem started. I forgot to check the parts yesterday as I was too excited, convincing myself that the Van was waiting for me. So, understandably, when I came back in the rainy evening for a nice screwing about, only to be foiled my a missing part.

The only consolation was that the staff told me that had the last set of black legs for the table instead of the usual blue which I gladly accepted. And so, today, by hook or by crook, if there's any exchange, I really want  to keep the black ones.

Let's set the timer and throw away the instructions...

The table is Linnmon because the sticker said so.

And the legs are called Adils (not Adelle...)

A quick glance at the labels and its all in Chinese, Korean, Thai, Taiwanese and non-English. It hasn't hit me yet.

Hmm... there  is something wrong with this part. They gave me five screws yet I could only get in four. Even the instructions said so... weird

All the other three metal plates have five holes, which is a relief.

Looking back at the packaging again with languages designed to defeat a Banana, I think they got these stuff from places other than Malaysia...

Finally, after 20 minutes of screwing around and getting a strategic blister in the middle finger, the Works Table is set up!

Boy, the amount of plastic and pulp waste for just a table

In the end, its more or less, goodbye to sore backaches and a more enjoying session with the table.

Oh, yeah, what a difference 2 inches can do to your back in 15 minutes. But this would mean one less person sitting for dinner... (OK, until I get my own chair, that is)

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