20240520 The Move Part 2

  Today is the second moving and this time, it is from my Father's House. Yeah, the first one was also my Father's house. Anyway, the movers came quite early which is surprising for a Sunday. Their promised time was 1030 in the morning but they were early by 40 minutes. So early that I forgot to change my shirt. So, if any of your guys were passing by and saw an old fart with torn shirt, that's me.

 The plane was that my Wife would drive to the new house and wait while I coordinate the picking up from my end. I am not sure how much my Wife negotiated with the movers but they told me that anything after the half of the lorry, it would be counted as a 3-ton move instead of 1-ton. So, I made sure the bigger stuff were given priority. Anything that cannot be shoved into a car goes in to the lorry.


In less than 10 minutes after my left for the new house, I got a WhatsApp message saying that the lorry is right outside the house. We had to be very careful because of two low lying cables.

Just like the last time, the movers played 3-Dimensional Tetris to make sure everything fits and does not go over the half-line. So we have tables, cabinets and some chairs, plus long big-ass boxes going in.

Something fell out. This is a head from the Fujimi 1/20 F1 Racing Pit Team

Just exactly 30 minutes later, they are set to go to the new house. Again, we had to make sure the cables were not snagged since the lorry was quite high. Guess who wanted the thief's shoes?

One of the problems with buying food for a large family. What is left over would be kept in the fridge. So when the fridge is full, food would be stuff where there is available space. As items move in a out, overtime, some would be forgotten...

One last look, the old friend.

With the lorry going first, I , as the Dutiful Son, waited for my Dad to wake up (Hey, its Sunday) before wishing him the best. These are the smaller stuff that comes with me and most of them were from my Daughter's room. I wanted to show you the eFX MkIX Tricorder but at the last minute, my daughter's white frame thingy blocked it.

About 70 minutes later, I was greeted with this scene. MIL made sure the Red Cloth was put up.

And she brought in a lot of food just for Lunch.

At the end of the day, this will be my Man-Cave which for the very first time, I get to utilise 100% of the available space. And yeah, even that is not enough.


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