Academy M997 Maxi-Ambulance

I was at HobbyHQ today, and yes, the modeling bug is hitting me again, after more than 8 years. This was because the long and abandoned project came back to me and it refused to leave my brains alone. And so, after thinking much about it, its time to put it into action before I cannot do it anymore. The plan is to build some pub/cafe but in a post-war era. So, i would need a 1/32 scale car. Any car since it would be very difficult or rather, extremely expensive to create a single 1/32 Proton Satria or a Toyota Hilux. My choice was either a Hummer of some kind or a Bristish MK.IV Humber. At the end, my wallet decided for me.

After much discount, this actually cost less than 30 packs
of roadside Nasi Lemak and that is thanks to Mr. Low.

The parts are very straightforward, just your basic
with the added parts to build up to an the
ambulance. This also means that I have a lot of spare
parts once I finished my version. Behind the
there were two Academy Humvees that has been

packed with the wrong parts. If they had wheels, I
would have
taken them too.

So now, all I have to do is to save up for some glue, paints and I am done. Can't airbrush on this as i do not have one yet. Maybe I will invest in some of those 'dirt' or 'grime' paints instead where you paint it on, and it would look as if the model gone through a mud bath. Watercolour and cornflour just won't cut it.