Kaelynn knows I am upset because she cut her hair. She knows its wrong to do it but for her, I think, was a great idea at that time. I mean, she had a problem of her bangs being to long which irritates her eyes and this was her solution. Well, it was a great solution but everyone wished she had consulted some adults first.I was tired and laid on the floor.She came in and tried to cheerme up by massaging my backand then play with the windmill. OK. I know she is trying herbest, so I just gave her some'face' and joined in the fun.But I am still upset. Well,
still a little less upset...
Just took out more nail than I should and itbled the whole night. Did not notice until Ilooked down 24 hours later, wondering
why it was 'itchy' and stinging. Ouch.
In light of the recent events in Pakistant, words such as Osama, bombs, etc. became very sensitive. And alas, it was also the same time that I 'won' a set of used model kits which, by coincidence, were bombs. And they costs me only RM0.01. I was not worried about it until I realised that they were due to arrive this week...So, when the Receptionists asked what it was,I just replied, "samples". You'd think I wouldsay, "Bombs"? This was the same model kit I had when I wasa kid. IN fact, I still could not recall what hadhappened to them AFTER I left for college. Not sure what this was called but because of itsshape, it was my favourite and I akways didcarry one of them around in my pockets everywhere I went.
I know safety goggles protects your eyes but I havenever seen it enhance your eyes....
I mean, hey, they're getting expensive now and forRM7.00 for this meal (plus drinks), its worth it.