Still, we were wary about how to go there since its the first Weekend after Raya. And there were a lot of cars on the road, which is worrying. So, I took the fastest route via NKVE highway and came out of the back-roads to make up for the lost time (since I got off work and came home at about five-ish) as the dinner starts around six.
Anyway, its time to makan and lots of lovely food. What
you see are contributions from each family member. I
wanted to try the prawn noodles but was afraid of the
allergy reaction.
you see are contributions from each family member. I
wanted to try the prawn noodles but was afraid of the
allergy reaction.
Over here, are some choice rice, a cake(?), punch and
best of all, THE salad. No, that is not a bottle of vodka
sitting in the middle of the table.
best of all, THE salad. No, that is not a bottle of vodka
sitting in the middle of the table.
But for me, a small surprise because this is what I was
looking for and did not expect it to turn up. Yum yum!
We had the oven cleaned but there was no time for me
to try out making my own.
looking for and did not expect it to turn up. Yum yum!
We had the oven cleaned but there was no time for me
to try out making my own.
There were two tables, one for the adults and the
other for the kids. But eventually, all the Ladies
went there too. Oh, and so did some dishes....
other for the kids. But eventually, all the Ladies
went there too. Oh, and so did some dishes....
And this time, Kristine was not so afraid of fire
anymore. But I have to be careful because when
they were playing candles, her hair was too close
to the flames.
anymore. But I have to be careful because when
they were playing candles, her hair was too close
to the flames.
As for us adults, it was time to enjoy the tea but I
did not have much time since I was busy taking
photos and making sure the girls are not chasing
the boys away. Yeah, with both of them together,
they had become quite rough and intimidating.
(Calling them excited is a wrong word)
did not have much time since I was busy taking
photos and making sure the girls are not chasing
the boys away. Yeah, with both of them together,
they had become quite rough and intimidating.
(Calling them excited is a wrong word)
And they played Ryan too (Not "with" Ryan
but "on" Ryan). Kristine is tickling Ryan, who
was too shocked/stunned to run away or cry
but "on" Ryan). Kristine is tickling Ryan, who
was too shocked/stunned to run away or cry