I tell you, the kids today, they have it made. I mean, during my days, field trip means going down to the school field. Only. But for her, she gets to go to the Zoo, the Lake Gardens, and what nots. This time, she went to the KL Tower and also the Post Office in Dayabumi.A.jpg)
And so, like any good little girl, she sends a postcard to u because we could not afford to get her an iPhone. Actually, now that I mention it, should I get a mobile phone for her next year?
Time to solder the remaining Voltage Regulators for
the Boards.Next week, once I get the money, its time
to finish them once and for all. Then its time to solder
those long cables to the connectors and LEDs. This
is one heck of a torture for me. I doubt they would
even want to do this even if I pay the money.
Ha ha ha ha!
And so, on a Saturday, we have training, sponsored by the company. Which is good because this is Advanced Excel training. Suffice to say, this training is like what advanced training is to normal taxi drivers, minus the broken baskets and dented wheels.In other words, we have been shown how to do stuff on Excel that a normal sane person would never have though of. Its really that exciting. And so, from 0900 to 1700, we learnt how to excel at Excel.
I was so tempted to get RM50,000 but sincethey're giving out Certs, its not a good idea....
This shop is not opened. And I do not
know why it is not opened. Because if
it is opened, I would go in. But its not.