Haiyoh! Why he didn't tell me earlier, ha, I dun know. Make me suspens only. People here already busy doing teknological transfer and he want this. I have a good mind to just solder a variable resistor and ask him to turn it on and off himself. Basket.
Lucky I am in a generous mood today. If not for me, those people in the shop won't get my hard earned RM25.00 and would be out in the streets. Ask you, ah for that price, the strip dem 9 7 expensive right? But you must know, one ting. You want fast solution, you pay the price wun. Don't believe me?
Say you waiting for a Big Mac and there is a long queue. You think that Clown serve you right away, ah? Of course not, right? So, you just pay the guy who got his Big Mac from the counter la. Of course it won't be RM9.95 or anyting close la. Use your blain la. Gip him RM50 he shaddup already.
Gentlemen. 12 surface mount red LEDs precisely
embedded on a very flexible circuit board material
which not only double up as a conductive medium
but also allows you, to a certain degree, bend it.
it has four very fragile connectors. But there is a
purpose in the sense that they allow you to connect
to the power cable either way.
shaped like a receptacle. This allows you to
connect more LED strips into a long line.
But, I must warn you, Ladies and Gentlemen,
you must have a proper constant current
power source ready, I'm afraid.
jack socket and from the picture above, and the
middle connector is used to connect to one end of
the strip as seen on the right.
Just make sure the power source has enough
current or else you will find yourself changing
batteries every few minutes or so, methingks
thing on the left is a MOSFET transistor which
I plan to use a microcontroller to create the
pulsing effect for the LEDs. However, this is
going to take time since I am quite occupied
towards the end of January and R&D on this
will be slower than the usual delay.