Put it this way. No one would blog about their neighbour's activities unless they are throwing cash around. Or maybe, when they have a party. Technically, its not a party but rather, a free-for-a..., er buffet dinner. There was no way we could escape since we happen to live next door and being socially inept, we could not even give an excuse not to attend. I mean, there is only so much cats that can die at the right moment. It was my Wife's instinct that the dinner was a Full Moon Dinner despite the subtle clues such as lines of nappies on the washing line everyday.
(L-R) Forgot what it was, but I like it. Fried chicken
and acar also my fav but they missed out the nuts
Fried rice, noodles, chicken, etc.
They even have satay and ABC.
But no burgers.
Since Kristine wanted some drink,
we could not give me more ABC or
Chinese tea. So, we asked the guy
to shave some ice which Kristine
would take them as water source.
As Kristine liked it so much, she
took it home with her as well.