I'm out of inspiration for this one. Not sure what to put into this entry. Or maybe, I am just tired trying to remember things more than three days ago. Anyway, this is the first time my Wife made Fish Head Mee Hoon together with my Mom. One thing I liked about this dish is the soup. Actually, I liked the deep fried fish meat but because they're heads, I have no clue on how to go about eating them.
This is a very nice delicacy, courtesy of our
Sister In Law #4 who brought it back all the
way from Taiwan. Its like dried meat but its
also filled with nuts and black sesame seed
and all. I suspect its made into a thick block
and then sliced thinly and grilled. It was so
popular, they never lasted beyond 24 hours
share, someone came down, with a new fashion
and drank all the 100plus left on the table.