My Future has been Fingered

All it took was less than 4.25 minutes to decide the Fate of my Country. In the morning, the line was incredulously long. By lunchtime, it was even worse. The stroke of luck came when it started to rain which actually thinned the crowd. By the time I walked across, the line was virtually non-existent.

1. Walked in, went to the Counter where people with PCs were not playing Galaga confirmed my IC and told me to enter room #6.

2. I did as I was told but was stopped by a Policeman drinking 100Plus. Apparently, one cannot bring an umbrella into the room in case it contains hidden weapons of mass distractions.
3. After checking my details, the man starts to mispronounce my name loudly and I was then instructed to have my left forefinger blackened the controversial indelible ink. (you know, the idea that came from Ambiga. Unfortunately, many reported the ink can easily come off, could not, did, did not and maybe might.)

4. Then I was told to go to a private booth and cross out the difference. Luckily, one of them is of the gentler sex which made my decisions easier...
5. Then I folded and slipped my secret ballot into a TRANSPARENT Ballot Box and walked out.
 We need to do this every 5 years because going into the Parliament and kicking them out seems to be illegal. Oh well, I have done my duty and I hope, I will wake up to a brighter Malaysia tomorrow. I know it has to because tonight, I cannot look forward to digging my nose nor fingering my ears for wax...