As I parked my car at the roadside, thinking about my plans for the day, I noticed a lot of ant running about neat the car. This is a bit terrifying for me because, in the worse case scenario, some of the ants could hitch ride my car back to the house, take over the other ants, inter-cross breed to come out with a new generation of mutated ants which is impervious to insect repellents or blows-offs from the mouth.
Then a bright idea came, which is to drop some of my crisps in the hopes that they would eat it and go away. But I did not expect them to swarm over so fast and...
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This is the first crisp I've dropped. Within minutes, scout ants came and well, staked their claim |
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Slightly much later, more ants came and did a heave-ho. Hey, I thought they're going to use their mandibles to cut them into smaller chunks but I was wrong. |
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Just to distract them further, I dropped two more crisps nearby but it took quite a bit before they start to take notice. |
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By this time, crisp#1 is already well underway to the nest, which I started to follow |
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OK, crisps #2 and 3 are being noticed and... hey, they're ignoring crisp#3! Is there a size quota? |
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Because the underground secret lair has a lot of leaves and obstacles, carrying the crisp proved to be quite a workout for the ants. |
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And then, the unthinkable happened. They took crisps#1 and 2 to the walls of the drain |
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Where they disappeared to the upper tunnel to where, I am not sure as from my side, I do not see any other drain covers since its full of grass. |
Oh well, this did teach me a lesson about the ants. No, its not about wasting crisps but more of, how a problem can be solved using unconventional thinking. But because we, as humans, are not natural wall-crawlers, we too, have to find other solutions to a problem and not just use the usual route or have a very narrow thinking path.