So, after making sure the replacement system (not just the power supply) is confirmed working, I called all my technicians back in the evening to have a brief meeting to the next day's job since I would not be there. And then, I had a brainwave. Why not ask Wife to come along as well since this is a weekend trip?
After much persuading, she agreed and we started packing and left for Prai at 1000AM in Saturday. My intention is to let her have some free time and also visit her sister in Sg. Petani as well since both of us did not get much breaks with the two, lovely kids around.
with the bad news. Well, OK, I am just scared of heights.
He called when I was standing on a makeshift pallette on
a customer's forklift because my tehcnician did not follow
my instructions and used the wrong connector for the CCTV
Its a mess and this was installed by the main distributor
years ago.
still use the telephones. But if I were to send my technician up
here, I am very confident they would not know what had been
done and would therefore waste a lot of time backtracking
circuit tracks which shorted the whole system. I told my Boss its not
his doing as the previous person most probably used his cow-strength
to push the connectors in hard. But wait a minute..........its so familiar!
was so happy that the job has been done, he offered to let me stay for
two nights. But my Wife needs to work on Monday. Since Hotel Berlin
is under renovation, we booked at The Travel Lodge which just nearby.
And the guy at the counter handed us two sets of keys to see which
room we wanted, either a double bed with not so bright windows or
two single beds but with brighter windows. It did not make any difference
to us since both rooms faced the back.
Wife's sister. Durain season is in but although I am tempted to
get some, I decided otherwise. Don't want to have gout attacks
and stinky smell in the car.
there must be amenities for the disabled. So they built a ramp
and then locked it. Haih. Its like the classic case of them storing
the building fire hose away due to theft. And when a fire broke out....
of being sent to our rooms! And that, my friends, is the start of
my troubles for the day. After waking up, I had fever and all my
bones were aching. Yeah, I caught the flu. From where, I am not
sure but it could be due to exhaustion. And Loctor was not free
until after 5PM. if I had not gone to Sg. Petani.......
Years ago, this was full of people but now, it has shown signs
of decline and most of the things there are not that cheap, my
Wife told me. Remember my problems? It started right there
liquid. And not only that, I have to keep looking
at the door.....
which sells great Duck meat. The address is:
Hong Kong Oil Chicken and Roast Duck
638-640, Jalan Kuala Kangsar,
Taman Tasek Damai,
30010 Ipoh
Tel: 05-2911550
Fax: 05-2915795
groggy with the fever. But what caught my eye was the deep
fried pork rinds which was sweet and crunchy, selling at RM7
per 100gm.
After coming back, again I was stuck in the toilet for a very long time. The pills did keep my fever at bay but I have lost a lot of liquid and have not eaten anything. Still, I went to bed to sleep it off (but with the occasional toilet trips). I think Ihave visited a lot of toilets on the NKVE Highway today too.