Operation Theatre Kronos (1957)

 I've finally found it!

When I was a kid, I was very sure I saw a robot moving by pumping its legs up and down. Actually, it was more like stomping around. And it got me thinking, how can it do that?

From a very young pre-school age, that scene got me figuring how something that can move by just stomping around. No, I did not try it myself because of all that thinking and theorising. As I grew up, that scene slowly faded only pop in and out once in a decade or so. Like all my memories, it kinda mutates itself and for as long as I can remember, the image of a thick black and white piping stomping up and down was the only thing I can remember.

Boy, what a let down. But it was scary for kid like me at that time. Maybe slightly even now.
(Image courtesy of Scrapbook Infinity)

And now, after 4 decades, I finally know what it was. An energy siphoning robot dropped off from a UFO. It was a 1957 Movie. So, now I know I was not dreaming.