20240814 How Memory works

Who are you?

I forgot what I was thinking that led me to try to test my own memory. This morning, I was thinking about the names of some colleagues and although I could recall the ones whose faces I can 'see', there were two which escaped me.

So, while driving, I was thinking about this Malay Salesperson. He was always thin and gets 'bullied' by the GM to achieve his sales target. In my view, he was forced to get a Toyota Wish which for that time, required a lot of commitment. I guess this is one way for him to get his Sales and for him to make his Wife Happy. Still, after thinking about it, I could not recall his name. So, I kept on driving since there are not much distraction when you're driving in the dark at 0640 in the morning. And then as I was approaching a corner exit, his name hit me: Azhar.

One down one more to go. This was a chinese chap which always smiles and is quite handsome. He could be the inspiration for the Korean Boys today. Anyway, try as I might, I could not get his name. Even when I was driving back home. After a nice shower, my mind drifter to the quote, "You are right. Tell your sister, you are right." There are then images flashing of Vader as the side of the Emperor, looking at him at this revelation. Then it shifted to Yoda. And Bam! I got his name: Koh Yau Fui.


Try as I might, I could not understand how my mind works. One moment I was thinking of a problem while simultaneously negotiating the current situation. Then I shelved that problem away to think of other things which might help solve the issue such as recalling incidents or other memories which involves that problem. Then I let it go because I felt as if I reached a memory deadend. Then after sometime, or even immediately, Bam!

Yeah, what?