For the weekend, the girls's (one of the) favourite has Auntie come back to stay. And so, as a treat, we all went to a buffet steamboat at Yuen's. Yeah, this is the only place where everyone goes and you have to make phone booking if you want to get a table instead of waiting in the queue. Since the girls were sleeping when it was time to go, we had to go in separate cars. Although it was told that Eason Chan was going to appear at Sunway Pyramid, the jam was a bit heavier than usual but no enough to make us late (by an hour or so, ha ha ha ha)
Kristine's latest funny face
Kaelynn did not bother much and kept on eating.
She loves prawns and like me, are a bit allergic to
them afterwards, as in going itchy all over.
This is one of the props which made Stephen Chow's
"GOD of Cookery". The "Lau Liu Har" I don't know
what's' it called in English. Still this is one of Wifey's
favourites. For me, after taking from the tray for
her, its all so wriggly, I just lost the appetite for it.
But there is a place in Klang where they fry them
with mee-hoon and it was delicious. Teluk Gong, if
I am not mistaken. But now, the place has changed
so much, I can't recognise the correct shop anymore
The leftovers made from, us
Halfway through, the girls decided
to go for Ice-creams instead.
And this is also a good time to teach how
not to go hugging people when you have
raw eggs in your pocket............