The aftermath at 1-Utama

And so, after three hours in the Buffet, I think everyone has had enough. As my Dad has other plans, we split up since Wife decided to get some things for the girls. And yeah, it's going to be a long afternoon/evening. For you see, 1-Utama, the Shopping Centre was not what it used to be since the late 90's. It has expanded to almost twice (or more) its size. And so, yes, if you're wearing the wrong type of shoes...

Right in front of us, was this ECO activity for kids.
And one of the highlights was for the kids to abseil all the way
down. The thing is, the kid must do this when they are ready
and not forced. So, for every kid that went down, the crowd
clapped and cheered.

Next, we went to the Toys Department, or rather, I went.
We need to separate the girls since Wife needs to get some shoes
for Kristine without any interruption. And so, I dragged Kaelynn
away and got her into the Toys Department. Yeah, I sure do like
this NERF...

Peeking for panties....

After some traipsing around the isles, both of us were bored

So, we decided to search for Kristine and Mommy.
Because once you see a kid walking like that, it
means they're bored and mischief is not far behind.

Finally, she got what she wanted and the
next destination was... Sarah Wonderland
or something, which turned out to be the
video arcade next to the Jusco Food Court.

We had to relent because they were bugging us. And so,
Mommy changed for some tokens and away they go...
This was a wet one and luckily, the hoses had a limited
turning angle...

Most of the time, when they played, Kristine always wins
because Kaelynn's reflexes were very slow. She sort of just
stood there, smiling but this time, her defenses has improved.

This is a fun way for the girls and you can actually gauge their
hand & eye coordination.

Playing a bit on a broken machine...

With the tokens halfway gone, it was time to have some snack.
You would not believe how much they can eat as they're running
around like crazy. So, its time for some gyoza while Kaelynn is
asking very very politely for more tokens...

This machine costs a lot and also, well, its a little bit out of their
league. You can see Kaelynn walking off bored, but they have
not even seen it on 'demo' yet.

Tokens are running out and so, they need to find a machine which
allows for both to play and also, with only one token...

OK, this looks good and after some 'testing', they want to play...

And this is how they did it, by sharing...

With one last token, it was time to finish it off with another round.

Erm... she must be tired...

Another few laps on the escalator...

Then another snack time...

I bought some cream puffs for the girls which has durian
flavour. But I did not realise that it costs me RM12 or so
for two puffs... Kaelynn ate one and stopped.

And so, I had to finish it. What the server did was to take one
cream puff, inject it (yes, inject it) with cram of durian and that
is the cream puff. My mind was thinking, I got ripped off...

Bought this toy because I wanted the tires. Wife suggested I
let the girls have a go at it before I take the tires away. Yeah, and
they did it in less than 30 minutes... Not bad for their first time.

Shogun 01062013

With everything out of the way and not answering any calls (I was instructed not to, OK?), we are now free to have our lunch at Shogun. OK, so its a buffet but like the rest of the family, they love buffets. I used to but now, well, it depends on my mood... and stomach. To be honest, my weight right now is below 85Kg. Back in the days, high 90's were a common figure for me. But ever since working in the last company and the passing of my Mom, I began to notice that I am not the jovial/idiotic self anymore, but more towards the moody and 'let me be alone' type. I want to go back to my normal self but, it seems like the more I force myself, the more I am pretending. So, I guess, I'll just let it be for the moment.

Anyway, the reason we went for Lunch here was to celebrate my Dad's successful eye Operation and also because my Sister came back. Yeah, that's the cause for celebration. Really.
We were the first handful waiting outside.

Once everything was settled, we were Welcomed
(such as who's paying and all that)

Its very unusual to be the first because you need to realise that
everything is 'ready' for you and so, there is no need to rush like
mad and take all the food as if there is no tomorrow.

All the sushi I ever wanted. But this time, I do not know why
I did no go crazy for the salmon sashimi...

Anyway, here is my first selection.
No more words. Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Kristine. Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Their favourite biological Aunt. Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Girsl trying out something hot/spicy. Om nom.. nom.. nom..

KAelynn. Om nom.. nom.. nom..

Om nom.. nom.. nom..

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Oh oik.. oink.. oink..