That was, before "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" came out. And by then, to me, these cars, are appealing. But with minimum fenders, that is.

up, this car is ideal for the project. I was figuring that the
model would be built as is, maybe a GPS system on the
dash to make it more updated. The plan is that this car
belongs to the Pub owner who restored it and kept it
safe throughout the war. Now, it is his personal vehicle.

to examins the box more carefully. I mean, anyone
nowadays can 'factory' seal a box. What I was afraid
of, were missing parts.

serves me right, it was made in the UK during
my time. Weird. But with the Matchbox logo in
the front. I could not be a duplicate, right?

my memory, was accurate enough. This was, I
think, Matchbox's way to compete with Airfix
by using a three colour plastic sprues, which at
that time, was unheard of. Later on, Bandai
took that concept to a new level with their

instruction sheet is a bit funny but then again,
I have never bought this model kit at that time.

model! Just joking. I still have my Wife to translate...
But Googling for its history has reavealed some very
interesting facts. Maybe I should take a closer look
at my SSKL model, for it could be an 'original' afterall.

were spares and meant to be placed at the rear,
but six wheels! Woo hoo!
Apparently, this is the real thing and yes, its actually made in China. After looking at the sprues, there were two that have their 'Made in China' words covered up. Unfortunately this was not done very well and so, with a play on lighting, you can see the works. The question that I have now, is, are the plastics made of inferior quality or is it still the same?
I am not an expert on this and since I do not have an 'original', it is hard to answer. Still, during the process of making the model, I noticed that it is very 'weak' at certain parts. But then again, where thin areas are concerned, this is normal, even on the modern kits today. Oh well, just get it done....