We go Dim-Sum!

And so, since today is Sunday and the favourite Aunt is still with us, we decided to have brunch at The Renaissance Hotel, near Jalan Ampang/Sultan Ismail. Again, the girls were looking forward to it, then again, these few months, we don't bring them out much no more.

(As of tomorrow, all Science and Maths classes are going back to Bahasa, and so, as a Patriotic Rakyat, we must emp, er... empa, er........mengemfasiskan Bahasa dan downgrade our Englund aledi. So, you tahu, kua tahu, la)

Anyway, semue thing is smooth going until kua punya, bini say, Dad (in Law), hare ni, semua gua punye hubby (as in, moi) kau tim punya. Haiyo, hati saya pun jump like katak kena baling durian. Salary is not in yet, mana bleh bayar? So, like all normal olang, use Kredit Card dan senyum saja la.

The atmosfera kat dalam is quite the nice. Dan walaupun menu tu agak limited, tetapi manyak sedap woh. Kali ni, Kristine dan Kaelynn dilarang order Oren Jus lagi. I mean, look at it this way, RM18 untuk segelas, kalau dua orang oder, boleh mati tau. So, instead of all this, kami bagi mereka all water dari dia empunya water tamblerrrrr...............

Wah, ini macam punya lamp also nice liao.
Gua mau ambik pun cannot. So, ambik
pic-pic la.

And in the midst of all the eating and laughter,
my dear old girl sported a new stance, what.
Oh jolly good, that girl.

Sila ambil perhatian: Dimaklumkan
bahawa semua orang yang ingin
menggunakan tandas High Class
ini, janganlah tarik kertas kuat-
kuat sampai penutup pecah.

And so, hor, the paper come out like people backside
non-stop. And wah, so lucky it not start the fire. You
see close-close, the paper nearly touch that fire hide
inside the funny bottle wun. Also, the water on top
smell like dunno wat.

Lee kor hai how leng ger toi. Yau kou, yao tai.
Ngor hou jung yi, dan hai, tau de tau mm tou.

Berry der nais. Ini macam perpustakaan yang cantik, tak
kisah ada buku ke tak. Sangat the quiet and pada masa
yang sama, memberikan satu enviromen yang sangat
sofistikasi dan menginspirasi seseorang.

Wah lan neh! Ini pose tersangat kiut-kiut la!