New Magnifying Glass

While I was dropping one of my Tech off at Dataran 32 PJ, I saw a Hardware shop in one of the blocks. It was weird because hardware shops are usually located on the Ground Floor. And they are not air-conditioned. So, this SKL shop was just doing the opposite. While I was in there, the Lady pointed me to a bargain bin where all the items were going at RM9.90

This is a very unique magnifying glass. To the untrained
eye, its just a plastic magnifier with a bent-to-shape
aluminium handle. But to the expert, its a Japanese
Made in China 75mm and 20mm plastic magnifier
with a custom made aluminium stand/handle.

You can adjust the magnifier to any position you like

This looks perfect but its hard to make ants stop still.
Anyway, its too small for me and chances are, I am
going to give it to my Mom. Yeah, my eyesights are
starting to go already. Sigh. The real magnifiers I so
wanted comes with lights but costs RM400 upwards

Anger in the Office

A small dispute over borrowed tools which was not returned on time and also needed us to pick it up ourselves. Yes, we do need the tools for our own service calls. Yes, we do really need it since after the Hari Raya Holidays, our appointment calendar is filled to the max. Yes, we are starting to feel the tension and the need to complete each work. Yes, we want to work. We need the work.

But what we do not need is the show of temper in the Office. Emotions in the Office is not welcomed. It also does not mean everyone can do whatever they want. In the end, we are affected. Its like working in an explosive environment.

It is not going to be better.
There is always the next time.
And the next.
And the next....

This mark shows and proves there is no
respect and also, the mark of a clown.

I am not going to take this anymore.

Crazy evening

Words can't describe the actics thse girls were up to. Its just their actions were random and I was lucky enough to take some pictures.


Head-banging in the dark followed
by percussions.

Portable video

This is a potable TV. Portable means you can take
it anywhere, to the nearest power point. And its
so very black&white and a great vocabulary tool.
Don't believe me? Walk up there and trip on the
power cords. I am sure you'll learn new words.