It is now end of August and we're still moving. We started this since end of May but with most weekends 'dedicated' to other Family errands and stuff, it was really delayed. This was supposed to be done about 3 weekends ago but with a few incidents with the Hospitals and relatives going away permanently, we could not find the time.
Still, we had to make it work and as promised, the skip was delivered on the day before so that we can expedite the whole thing today. It is amazing how much stuff I accumulated in just four decades. Once we got the kids, we even accumulated even more. I can see where I wasted my money on but hey, I was a bachelor at that time...
The house completed its renovation around 2009/10 I think and for the next 24 years, it was filled with a lot of... stuff. Some were bought and mostly we from before. It's so surreal to see the place starting to empty out.
This is the amount of stuff left to clear but it is not mine. Mine was four times more... OK, I see two Allscript boxes, which are *ahem* mine.
This is my Works Room and it is in shambles. There are so much more stuff which I have forgotten were there. At least I have found back a few parts in the unbelievable amount of small electronic component debris.
I remember buying this more than 2 decades ago, which was meant for Bengmobile I. Despite the title, I am not going to risk it. In the skip it goes.
Terminator 2 the Apocalypse Edition Been keeping it and forgotten about it for decades since my purchase in the UK
There were two PAL VHS Tapes inside it. At the time, T2 was THE movie.
There is no need for these anymore... One, someone has already done a backpack for the Pack made with PVC pipes and two, no one is interested in Bootleg NERFs anymore.
Pre-Internet reference material. As an Engineer, I used to make sure I get them annually. The smell and the fresh yet flimsy pages kept me opening it over and over again.
Prototype manual from my first Commercial Lighting System, which were for the re-imagined 2003 Battlestar Galactica 1/32 Vipers
I've forgotten I actually has this and it was the only model/ toy that I could tie to the movie. After so long, it is best to return to the original. Still, I want to light this up.
I have no idea why I got this but it was my favourite Bond Car. Maybe it is to compensate myself for not getting the bigger Corgi toy version which has a pop out fins and stuff. Then again, I still have to get the 1/24 scale version if I can.
Some Micronauts Sistem things and Dack Ralther. My Brother and I used to play with Star Wars figures and I painted a small mustache on a Luke Skywalker Pilot to represent Dack.
we've been going at it for about 12 hours now. And by then the skip is almost full. There's a lot of things we could not bring with us and so, we have to decide which one is more 'valuable' in terms of memory.
Yeah, I have to shed a lot more stuff. Some of these I have no use for and I am not going to sell them since they are just shelf sitters.