While I was there, Mr. Leong showed me what happened to the LED cast in the water clear and it was amazing. I was so tempted to get a few packs there and then but the problem is, there was nothing for me to encapsulate in.
This is the LED cast. The mould is soft though.Its so clear that you can see the bottom of themould clearly.
OK, so the Nokia 5800 was not that goodwith taking such photos. But as you cansee, everything worked well, including theLED that was casted inside.
Do not be worried about the 'liquid' coming fromthe base of the mould. Its not leaking but actually,it is the hot melt glue. Now, there is only one thingI really need to know and that is, will it yellow overtime and also what happens years from now?
At the same time, I got this extruded cleartriangle from Mr. Leong. This is for a theoryI had and well, lets see what I can do tonight
Yep. It works but not as good becausethe camera is fooling your eyes. Thedot is actually full of lines from thetriangle's sides. I used this theorybecause the triangle acts as a prism.When I have the time, I will try witha silver foil and then test the results.
For years, I have been joking about using your own phlegm as glue. I mean, since it was thick enough and also, it was very sticky. When I was small, I tried this theory and it really worked. And now, I have the opportunity to test this theory again. This was because I usually either spit it out onto a tissue paper or swallowed it again. They do taste sweet though....
And so, what you do, to get this glue is to makeyourself sick. Being mentally sick does not count
Dab the yellow stuff onto two pieces of paper andwait for a few minutes. I mean, if this yellow stuffsticks in seconds, you are going to have a reallyserious problem in your chest...
And minutes later, voila! Ah..... hey. Its notsticky enough. All it did was to take somelaser toner off and then dried itself up. Eitherthat, or I am not sick enough.