Giving me a hand

Guess what did Kristine learn at school today?
Yes, how to make a hand. And it comes in
very handy because it lets her go to MacDs
for the straws among many other things.

And she gave it to me! yay!
So, now I have an extra hand allows me to go
on a limb when things get out of grip.

Talk, talk!

Kristine: Bla... bla... bla...
Kaelynn: I want to talk
Kristine: Bla... bla... bla...
Kaelynn: I want to talk!
Kristine: yadda... yadda... yadda...
Kaelynn: I want to talk!!

Kristine: yadda... yadda... yadda...
Kaelynn: I WANT TO TALK!!!

So, I put the newspaper on my lap and stared at the both of them. They know they have created an incident and both of them looked back at me, worried.

"So, talk!" I told Kaleynn.
She was quiet.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing" (inside my mind, I was slapping my forehead)

EVO in action

Wasn't able to stop in time due to the traffic lights
but I passed by them and they stopped a Merc....

Hotwheels Lelong

All of a sudden, the Hotwheels cars at 7-11 were selling
at RM4.90. I forgot which one but days later, everyone
was selling back at the normal price of RM6.50. So I got
this one. Its golden in colour and looks almost like a new
Batmobile (if I repaint it as black). Why I say that it is
because of the rear which has a very large rocket exhaust
but to me, its more like a loudspeaker so that everyone
can hear you fart at the traffic lights a mile away.