Repairing the Panasonic Washing Machine

For months, after every wash, the floors were flooded. We could not understand why. After checking the surroundings, we guessed that the washing machine is the culprit. This machine has been serving us for years and I guess, its time to get a new one. Not a very nice idea since during the MCO, we are worried if we even had a job....

Anyway, fast forward months later, I was able to take a look at the washing machine and boy, I was full of anger...

This is the insides of the washing machine. You can access this area after removing a few screws which secured a metal plate. Looking around, I know the plastic base is wet but there are no leaks or signs of any dripping. And then I saw some empty la-la shells (clamps shelfish). Yes, my friends, it only mean one thing: Rats.

And so, I started to feel around the tub and eventually the hoses. Bingo! The stupid rat has eaten a hole in the drum;s drain pipe.

After pestering my Wife to get the replacement part from Lazada (I don't really have an active account), the package arrived a few days ago. Something weird here as when I took a closer look...

It was the part of the OTHER end of the drain pipe! There is no other parts available and so, it's time to improvise!

I had to cut away the hose first and then on the ends, slowly peel off the remaining plastic. Seems like they were secured with some kind of Sabah glue but once I start to peel the cut surface away, the hardened glue broke away.

Care must be taken on this part as the 'T-junction' hose is quite soft.

The old (lower) against the new (upper)

Man, that is one serious 2 inch hole. No wonder the whole floor flooded so easily. It was like opening a tap.

I do not have Sabah glue and so, I decided to use some silicon as some kind of gasket and to make sure it holds. I am using the leftover silicon which I used for the kitchen sink. This is a whitish version, called Neutral Silicon 605 from Pentens. Although the bottle says it is ECO FRIENDLY, you still have to be careful on whom or where you use it.

With the white silicon acting as watertight gasket, I secure the hose with some cable-ties.
Originally, I wanted to use those metal tap adjustable hose clamps but they might crack the plastic.

The same goes for the lower end which connects to the 'T-Junction' piping.

Mission accomplished!
This is how the old hose looked like.

This is the new improvised hose.
So, we're going to wait for at least 24 hours for the silicon to dry before testing with a laundry load.


Bagus: pronounced as bagos or baɡʊs
Meaning: good, wonderful, fine, alluring, useful, enjoyable, pleasant taste, well done (congratulatory), great work done, etc

But here in Malaysia, there is another meaning....

Mom/Dad: Son, don't run or you'll fall
Kid: *runs anyway*

Kid falls, blood on their shin and cries

Mom/Dad: Ha! Bagus! Bagus! Runa again la! Bagus!

In this example, the parent was not encouraging the Kid nor congratulate them on their action. It's almost a sarcastic remark and has the opposite meaning as in, "Great work, Kid, do it again and hee how much more painful when you fall again".

In other words, "I told you so"